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Vitreo Retinal Associates


Thank you very much for your interest in Vitreo-Retinal Associates, recognized throughout the country as one of the leading practices for Retinal Diseases and Surgery, Diabetic Eye Diseases and Ocular Trauma.

With offices in Shreveport and Texarkana, Vitreo-Retinal Associates makes it convenient for you to be treated no matter where you live in the Ark-La-Tex. Our experienced doctors and staff all have one goal—to help you keep sight of what’s important.

Again, we appreciate your interest in Vitreo-Retinal Associates. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if we can be of help.

Vitreo-Retinal Associates—helping you keep sight of what’s important!

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Our success as a company greatly depends on our ability to work as a team. We seek energetic, driven and confident employees willing to learn beyond their skill set.